I'm Here!
So the flight here was longer and more boring than I ever thought possible! I did however read an entire novel, watched 3 movies (Over the Hedge, Ice Age 2 and Thank You for Smoking), the Simpsons, and I got 5 hours sleep. So I found plenty to do. Hong Kong airport was hilarious. I got on an escalator and could have sworn my bag was talking to me in chinese, until I realised that the escalator was telling me to mind my step! Then the oddest sign I've ever seen.......

If anyone could tell me what this means I'll be eternally grateful, cause to me it looks as though a man is running for his life because his butt is on fire, or maybe he is warming his butt on very large flames! I don't know!
I've been wandering around the countryside since I got here, and also meeting various family members I've never met before. Below are some photos from Cambridge I took on Saturday. I love this place, its such a cute little town - if full of tourists at the moment. I ambled around all afternoon.

Bikes are the main source of transport in Cambridge.
Ahh... so very Cambridge!
The Round Church. Apparently one of very few left.
Kings College

I'm actually writing in the tourist office in Nottingham at the moment, so there will be Robin Hood insprired photos soon, you can bet on it:)
Must be off as my 30 mins is about to expire, but I'll add another post as soon as I can. I'm off to London on Saturday, so that should be interesting!
Hey Jen,
Great to hear you are there safe!! The photos are great.. Keep them, and the updates coming!
ps. Yay.. I learnt how to add a comment! : )
Yay Rinnie!! You guys have to let me know how Lee and Sarah's engagement goes! And email me a photo:)
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