The Mediterranean
I absolutely loved everything about the mediterranean sea. No matter which country I saw it from, it was just so beautiful, so I thought I'd put together a few photos in a post to demonstrate this.

This is the port at Barcelona which has been made tourist friendly and is really pretty. Look at the colour of that water!

Not technically the sea itself, this was my favourite part of it - sailing from Spain to Italy on a huge ferry with a pool and a cocktail bar. There was nothing else to do but enjoy it! I took this photo before we left Barcelona in the evening.


There's a path that follows the coast and goes through 5 towns along the way. They are all so beautiful in their pastel colours perched on the cliff tops and down into the sea. It is a protected area and there are huge efforts to combat errosion of the soil by keeping the hills around it as vineyards and olive groves as they have been for hundreds of years. The towns were apparently built so much like fortresses so that they would be protected from pirates.
I walked the entire path and struggled at times, more with my fear of heights than my fitness! The paths are all hand made and are a little scary at times.
I walked the entire path and struggled at times, more with my fear of heights than my fitness! The paths are all hand made and are a little scary at times.

And this is the beach where I got stung by a jelly fish. I'm sure you've read that story by now!
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