All the Sights...
Before I get started telling you about the sights I've been seeing and the places I've been going, I just wanted to show you another sign I found that I think is hilarious... on the side of a champagne bottle.

Ok, what's the one thing you have to see if you say you've been to London? Buckingham Palace! Underwhelming, but nonetheless important to have seen it. I got there in time for the changing of the guards, but it didn't happen on Wednesday. Oh well.

The fountain outside the gates and a lamp post. I have a thing for lamp posts, you may have noticed.

Bet you already know what this is... Big Ben of course. And before you all comment and tell me, yes I know its not the real one. Its still Big Ben to me.

Walking up from Charing Cross and the Thames I came across this sign. Its right near the ministry for defence buildings so I guess that makes sense.

The National Gallery to the left in this shot. That's an amazing place. You walk from room to room (and there are like 50 of them), and you keep running into paintings by Raphael, Van Gogh, Michaelangelo, Dali, and the list goes on. Wow...

And chasing the famous pigeons of Trafalgar square. Speaking of - I totally embarassed myself a week ago when I went to visit my Aunty Julie. I was sitting in her backyard and there was this strange bird flying around. I asked what it was and she looked at me funny and said "uh... its a pigeon..." I said no, pigeons have things on their heads. Apparently not here. Oops!

I came across these guys busking in Covent Garden and they were so good I had to buy their CD. Its funk, jazz, a bit breaky and just really fun. Its gone straight to the iPod.

On my way to Tate Modern I came across this... St Paul's Cathederal from the steps of the Millenium Bridge. The one they had to close for ages 'cause it was swaying in the breeze.
The Cathederal looks tiny here but every time I see it I'm struck by the size of it. Its apparently the second largest dome in the world behind the Taj Mahal.

The Thames from the Millenium Bridge. You can just make out Tower Bridge in the distance if you look hard enough! Oh yeah and check out the building on the left. Instead of just scaffolding a building here they cover it in a picture of what it will look like when its done. Crazy. But kind of nice I guess.

Me being creative. There's a whole lot of poetry written on the Millenium Bridge and you can just see the river behind it in this shot.

Shakespeare's Globe theatre. Or at least the re-built one. I've been staying just down from this all week - right near London Bridge.

We went out for Thai (I had a hankering), and this was the desert menu. What do you suppose is 'floater coffee'?? I'll have one to go thanks.

Without a doubt, the pinkest restaurant I've ever eaten in. Its in Soho, so maybe that explains it? Great food though.