Friday, January 26, 2007

Happy Australia Day... and some news from London

Ok, first things first - Happy Australia Day!! A funny thing happens when you spend a significant amount of time overseas. You become reeeeeeeally patriotic! Not that I wasn't before, but today I'm overly so. So tonight I am off to a bar in Clapham (one of the Aussie dominated areas of London) with a swag of Australian expats who are determined to celebrate. Should be fun, and we may even annoy some more poms (don't mention the cricket!).

Secondly I have some other rather cool news. I have just been offered a job as Studio Manager for a great digital marketing agency in central London. For those who didn't know, this is what I was doing in Sydney before I left, so its perfect for the career - London experience. They are called Outside Line ( and they seem like really cool guys. So I guess that means I'm staying here much longer than I originally thought! I'll try and come back for a holiday in the next few months though.

And that's about it for now. Have a great long weekend and I'll hopefully be in contact with you all soon.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Winter Wonderland

As promised yesterday, here are the photos of what I found when I left my house yesterday morning. I was the most excited person in London I think - you should have seen me! I took about 100 photos. Unfortunately because of London's lack of light this time of year and me shivering in the freezing temperature, it was hard to get nice clear shots. But here are a couple. Oh yeah, and they were mostly taken around where I live in Greenwich.

This is the view just outside my front door

And looking down into the courtyard

The street in front of my house - the Thames is just over that fence.

No description necessary!

The Royal Naval College grounds.

The entrance to Greenwich park

And streets around Greenwich - how funny is this!

This is Southwark Cathederal near where I work

As you can see it started to melt later that morning. But they say there's plenty more to come:)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Guess what?! I woke up this morning to a very white London!!! I think I woke my whole building up with cries of 'Its Snowiiiiing!!!!' I have a million photos but in my excitement I ran out of the house without my USB cable so you'll have to wait til tomorrow for the photos. Its supposed to snow more tonight too - YAY!!!!

Keep you posted....

Oh and just so you have a taste of what my photos are like, here is someone else's shot which looks a lot like mine...